Ways To Help
Here’s How to Join the Fight
Are you or your organization looking for a way to give back to the community? VHV Foundation has been helping homeless in Alabama, California, Georgia & North Carolina since 2018.
VHV Foundation has a project to help provide the homeless of our city with much-needed items.
One way you can help….
“Warrior Bags,” are designed to help relieve some of the discomfort felt by both sheltered and unsheltered homeless providing a bit of comfort during a trying time. These bags can include an assortment of basic necessities such as snacks, water, and hygiene products that are difficult for the homeless to obtain on their own. We put our contact information inside the bags and our street outreach team carry these bags in our vans and deliver them day and night to those they are seeking to serve.
Some groups coordinate an assembly party or ask friends and family to use clear zip-locked baggies not larger than a quart size. Contact VHV Foundation for more assembly ideas and to coordinate the delivery of your Warrior Bags.
If you would like to donate money to fund our Snack Bags and Feminine Hygiene Bags, please click on our donation tab.
Send your inquiries about Warrior Bags to Angie Hale at angie@vhvfoundation.org
For more information about VHV Foundation,
call 619-625-6300

Thank you for giving so generously. You can make it possible for us to reach hundreds of people in dire need and perhaps help someone off the street for life.

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About Us
VHVFoundation does not offer medical advice or assist in mental health crisis. If you or someone you know needs emergency help, please visit our mental health resources page. If you have thoughts of harming yourself or someone else, please contact the Veteran Crisis Line. Contact Number 1800-273-8255 Press 1 or Call 911 Immediately.
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